I record, process and keep personal information about you and your child in accordance with Article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, May 2018): ‘the rights of the data subjects’.

It is a requirement of my registration with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)* to provide you with information about the details I keep about you and your child/ren.

*ICO – https://ico.org.uk/about-the-ico/what-we-do/register-of-data-controllers/

This requirement applies to information I collect in relation to:

  • Online data processing
  • Paper data processing

Records I hold about you and your child/renI hold 2 different types of records about you and your child:

Developmental records including:

  • Information from you
  • Details about your child’s learning and development at home
  • A copy of your child’s statutory 2 year progress check
  • Observations of your child’s learning
  • Assessments, individual planning and regular progress summaries.

Personal records including:

  • Personal details required by the statutory frameworks and / or the Local Authority for funding purposes
  • Contractual details including attendance registers and fees information.
  • Emergency details including your contact details and records of your child’s health and care needs.Safeguarding and child protection records.
  • Any records required to support your child such as shared information from other agencies andProfessionals.

What information I need about you and your child/renI hold information about you and your child/ren to allow me to comply with the Early Years Foundation Stage* (EYFS, 2017) and the Childcare Register** (2016). Some of the data I process relates to the Early Years Inspection handbook*** (2016). Most of the information I collect about you and your child is statutory;when information is optional I will let you know that you have a choice whether to share it with me or not.

*EYFS 2017 –https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/596629/EYFS_STATUTORY_FRAMEWORK_2017.pdf

**Childcare Register 2016 – see Annex C –https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/616082/EY_and_childcare_rEg_handbook.pdf

***Early Years Inspection handbook –https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/596329/Early_years_inspectiOn_handbook.pdf

What I do with your data and with whom it is sharedI am required to ensure the information I collect about you and your child/ren is treated confidentially and only shared when there is a need for it to be shared, ideally with your permission in advance of sharing, forexample –

  • I share information with other settings or agencies involved in your child’s care – I am required to do this by the EYFS (see my Permission Form);
  • I am required to share a copy of your child’s 2 year progress check with your health visitor – I am required to do this by the EYFS (see the EYFS for more information);
  • I am required to share information with my Local Authority for the purposes of the 2, 3 and 4 year old funding offer and any extra funding I might claim for your child (see the Local Authority Privacy Notice for more details).
  • I share information about income and expenses including, when requested, your invoices and payments with HMRC and Tax Credits.

Ensuring your data is accurateUnder the GDPR I am required to keep data about you and your child/ren up-to-date and to ensure it is accurate: I will do this regularly. You have the right to access personal data about you and your child/ren and I will share this information with you on request.

How long I keep your dataI am required to inform you how long I retain information about you and your child/ren. You will find this information in my Retention Policy which I will share with you before your child/ren starts in my care and further information about document retention will be clarified in the Contract Termination letter which I will give you when your child leaves the setting.

How I delete your dataOnline deletion – files held in relation to child/ren and their families on the computer for are deleted when no longer required

Paper deletion – files held in paper format, including photos of children, are either handed to parents when the child leaves or goes to school or shredded when no longer required.Please see the Retention Policy for more information.

How you can make a complaintI am required to inform you about how you can make a complaint relating to a data breach or if you think I am not processing your data appropriately.

Complaining to Ofsted – Ofsted can be contacted in the following ways: email – enquiries@ofsted.gov.uk;phone – 0300 123 1231; address – Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester M1 2WD.Please see my Complaints Policy for more information.

Complaining to ICO – if you are concerned about a data breach, you can contact the Information Commissioners Office – https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/report-a-breach/.

Online data processingComputer and tablet security includes regularly updated antivirus software and secure password protection (regularly changed) with 2-Step Verification.

Electronic equipment – I have a computer and a tablet which are used for business purposes. Information is stored on the computer and accessed through the computer and Google Suit* on the tablet.*Google Suit – gsuite.google.com.

Visiting my website – when you visit my website to, for example, read my newsletter or look up some information Google Analytics collects internet log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns: I do not use this information. My website contains links to other websites: I cannot be held responsible for links that do not work or the accuracy of the information contained in the websites.

Email including e-newsletters and e-invoices – I use Gmail to process emails and my email provider is Google. I keep a copy of your email address on my computer to allow me to process emails quickly: I do not gather statistics or monitor any information. I use Sage Business Cloud Accounting to process and send out invoices.

WhatsApp – I use WhatsApp to send photos of your child/ren to you. I keep a copy of your mobile phone number in my phonebook to allow me to send you this information.

Text messages – I use Tesco as my mobile phone provider to send and receive text messages. I keep a copy of your mobile phone number in my phonebook to allow me to send you texts.

Website and blog – I use WordPress to host my blog. The WordPress service collects anonymous information about user activity on the site and requires visitors who want to comment to enter a name and email address: I do not use this information.

Facebook – I do have a Facebook page. This is used for marketing my business, your children and family details are not used on this site.

Paper data processingPaper documents relating to you and your child/ren are stored in a locked cabinet. Some documentation is retained in the office to be shared with you and your child/ren on request including your child’s Learning Journey file. Monthly attendance registers are stored on the parents information board and transferred to the locked cupboard when completed.

Paper data includes:

  • Your child’s learning and development information
  • Attendance registers
  • Documents for HMRC including invoices
  • Parent – provider contracts
  • Permission form
  • Safeguarding forms relating to your child’s health and safety
  • Emergency contact details

Please see my Data Audit for full details.

Local Authority funding forms – parents who are eligible to claim 15 or 30 hours Government funded childcare are required to complete a Local Authority ‘Free Early Education Entitlement Parent Declaration’ form*. This form includes identifiers such as parent names and National Insurance numbers and the child’s personal details and characteristics such as ethnic group.

Changes to this privacy noticeThe Privacy Notice is reviewed annually and as required.

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